Saturday, 14 December 2013

Relieve anger with ablution

The Messenger explain the strong in Islamic view is that they are able to control his anger as to avoid worse disasters . He can move it to an angry situation better condition .

It was explained Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet said in a hadith :
"A strong man does not lie in the ability to fight , but the strong man is able to handle themselves when angry . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad )
Islam teaches us how to conduct ourselves in a state of anger to the nature of anger is not felt. Among them if someone who is angry that the situation stands, it is better he sat .

Prophet says , which means:
" If one of you is angry at it in a standing position , then let it sit . But if not disappear, too angry , let him lie down . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad ) .
Moreover, those who are angry can also put his anger with ablutions. Two things ablution advantages , first cleanse themselves from impurities heart both physically and heartwarming to produce peace .

Abu Dawood narrated that means:
" Surely the wrath of Satan and the devil was created of fire and the flames can only be extinguished with water . Therefore, if one of you is angry , he should perform ablution. "
Those who managed to restrain anger, so as not to spread will be rewarded by Allah in heaven soon , where they can select any sprite that they like .

This is explained by the words of the Prophet , which means:
'For he restrain anger, yet he was able to shed it , Allah will call him before the leaders of the creature , and God gave him the freedom to choose which one they like the angels . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah )
In addition to be able to restrain their anger , one must be ready to forgive parties makes them angry . Forgive others is encouraged to maintain a friendship and harmony . In fact , forgiving nature put someone in high places .

- See more at: # sthash.wrQP0TpL.dpuf

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

From an- Nawwas bin Sam'an , he said: The Prophet ﷺ description mentions the Dajjal in a morning. He ﷺ explained Dajjal , lowered his voice sometimes and sometimes his voice hardened until we calculate as if the Antichrist was already in the middle of palm trees. But when we come to the place , he said, seemed to have been aware of what was fought out in our feelings , and said: "There is the question of what to you ? "We said: " O Messenger of Allah , you breathe the Dajjal in a morning , and lower thy voice harden so we thought that it was already in the middle of palm trees. "He said: "It is not the Dajjal that I fear most happen to you . If it comes out and I'm still in the middle of you , then, I will break his submission to protect you . And if it comes out and I'm not in the midst of you , then every person to protect himself and his God is successor in protecting every Muslim .Indeed, the Dajjal is a young man who is very kinky hair , protruding eyes , as if I match it with Abdul ' Uzza al - Qathan . Only he who can see him , let him recite verses from the beginning Surat al- Kahf . Antichrist will come out in a street which lies between Syria and Iraq , and make mischief in the right and left. But then, O man of God , faith ordain you.We the companions asked: " O Messenger of Allah , how long they lived on earth ? "He said: " Forty days , the first day same as a year old , the second day like a month old , the third day like a week , while the next day is the same day you today. "We asked: " O Messenger of Allah , the one day a year in length , are we quite like the saying of prayers one day only (ie, the five daily prayers 5 times a day ) .He replied: "No , it perkirakanlah according to their distance rates . So still five times in one day arrangement as now . "We asked: " O Messenger of Allah , how fast that explore the earth ? "He said: " Like a wind blown rain . Dajjal comes to a people , and he invites them , then they already believe and adhere to what he wanted . He commanded the sky to rain , and the rain came down . He commanded the earth to grow crops , and grew crops. Furthermore, cattle - breeding them back tergembala there in long humped shape or size and the longest ever stomach.Next, came the Dajjal to the people , and they are invited to follow his will , but they refuse , then the Antichrist leave them . People who reject this ( because of their faith tegarnya ) the next day was to be dry and empty provinces of grass and other plants , they also do not have the slightest property . Antichrist and walked through the debris and then he said: "Bring out simpananmu properties , all of a sudden there property can be taken and follow the course of the Antichrist as the bees follow the king .After that , the Antichrist call a young man who was a teenager , and he hit the youth with a sword , so terpotonglah his body into two parts with speed like arrows throw miss. But , Antichrist summon the deceased young man , and he came back to life before him , his face was radiant with a laugh .In that situation , all of a sudden God Almighty sent Jesus the son of Mary . It fell on a white tower , located in the south of Damascus , which had two strands of colored clothing , placing the palms of his hands on the wings of two angels. If he bowed his head , mencucurlah water from his head , is when it mendongakkannya , then terurailah bushy hair like pearl details . Then no one else will be able to kiss heathen breath aroma , it will die melaainkan his breath smelt distance the eye can see .Furthermore, al - Still looking for the Antichrist until he found him at the gate of Ludd , and then he killed her. Furthermore, Jesus peace be upon those who have come to God's protection from evil Antichrist , then it meengusap their faces and told that they will have a high degree of heaven.

In such circumstances it is , God revealed to Jesus peace be upon them that Allah has issued my servants that none of the power to resist and fight them. Then gather my servants (the believers) to the hill Thur .Then God sent Gog Magog race . They quickly flowing down from high places . Then take the first line of their mission Thabariyah Lake and drank water , went further last line of their entourage and said : " This lake was once there is water. " Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions surrounded from all sides to not get out , reach- reaches the value of one head of cattle for one of them is more valuable than gold for a hundred dinars among you today. Jesus peace be upon him and his companions Nabiyullah anhum radhiayallahu all pray humbly to God Almighty 's request for immediate difficulty is removed .Allah Ta'ala sent worm to race Gog and Magog in their throats , then die simultaneously in a time equal to not change it once a soul . Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions radi anhum went down into the earth ( from the slope of the mountain ) . They did not find a neck of land , but to have been met by the stench of dead carcasses of Gog and Magog last race . Further Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions radi anhum pray more to Allah Ta'ala while applying for their bodies removed. Allah Ta'ala big bird down the necks of camels and birds that would carry their carcasses flying threw him in a place that is required by God .Furthermore, God Almighty flat sweep to rain all clay houses or even tents from the wool , until the earth is clean smooth like glass . On earth was said : " grew fruit and pour keberkahanmu buahanmu . " But at that moment a group of people makandari enough pomegranate seeds only ( because it is very large ) . They were able to take shelter under the skin shell ( petals ) diberkahilah pomegranate mixture and milk , until very pregnant camel milk , get enough of the great mass of human , a pregnant cow milk can suffice a tribe , a goat is pregnant get sufficient milk a village .Further, at the time they are in such a situation, all of a sudden God Almighty send a cold wind comfortable , and the wind was taking the lives of the believers under the armpits. So why the disconnect winds soul of every believer and every Muslim . Then the left is the worst of all human beings, they have sex with women just as much as a bunch of donkeys. The outcome was the Day of Resurrection on them. " . "[ Transmitted by Muslim ( 2937 ) ] handling SHM

Are all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times?

Yes, all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times but only sweep the head where there is disagreement among scholars;

First, according to Imam Syafi'ie, sweeping head just like other members of the ablution of circumcision is repeated three times. He Umar Usman their judgment on a hadith in which he recounts: "Allah took ablution three-three" (Narrated by Imam Muslim and Ahmad).

Second, according to Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik and Ahmad; sweep circumcised head off, that circumcision does not repeat two or three times. They base their judgment on a hadith from Sayyidina 'Ali, who insisted: "He wiped his head off" (Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasai). Also according to them, the traditions of the nature everything ablution tells that the Prophet wiped off head

Sunday, 6 October 2013

What is a perfect prayer?

That prayer is done by meeting all the pillars and circumcision-berit in a quiet, humble and full concentration. the characteristics of the perfect prayer is;
1. People who do believe that prayer does is as prayer Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam-.
2. Every movement in it is done with toma'ninah (calm, orderly, polite and do not hurry).
3. Tongue mention the good and eloquent readings in prayer especially the verses of the Quran.
4. Readings in prayer understood its meaning whether it be reading the verses of the Qur'an, remembrance or prayer for understanding led to the appreciation of the meaning of what is read.
5. Heart in a humble and focused on prayer that no default or neglect.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Du'a ( Prayer before the salaam )

Are encouraged to pray before the salaam ?
Yes. Sunnah prayer - which - with the following prayer ;
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم , ومن عذاب القبر , ومن فتنة المحيا والممات , ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال" O Allah ! I seek refuge with You from the punishment of hell fire , from the torment of the grave , from the trial / test when life and death and from the evil of Dajjal defamation " .
In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah , the Prophet said : " When someone you finish the reading tasyahhud (ie tahiyyat ) end , then seek refuge with Allah from four : from the punishment of Hell , from the torment of the grave , from the trial of life and death and from the evil of the Antichrist " . (Reported by Imam Muslim )
In addition to the above prayer , prayer other Prophet ever read are;
اللهم اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت , وما أسررت وما أعلنت , وما أسرفت , وما أنت أعلم به مني , أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر , لا إله إلا أنت ." Oh God . Grant me forgiveness for whatever ( sins ) which I did earlier and the later, which I will hide and that I seem at least as well as whatever act or extreme vanity which I do thou any more to know about it from my own . You are mighty before God and the almighty end . There is no God but Thee alone " .( Narrated by Imam Muslim from Sayyidina ' Ali r.a. )


EXCELLENT FAST ( DAY ' ARAFAT )When the day of ' Arafah ? What arguments for the advantages of fasting the day of ' Arafah ?Day of 'Arafat is the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah . It was the best day of the year because the Prophet said : " There is no day that God frees his slaves most of the day from hell from the day of ' Arafah " (Reported by Imam Muslim ) .As for the sunnah fasting on the day, his decree was; hadith of Abu Qatada reported which tells the Prophet of Allah s.a.w. asked about fasting the day of ' Arafah . He said : " ( fasting day ) can purify years ago and which is to come" (Reported by Imam Muslim ) .Are voluntary fasting on the day of ' Arafah is no exception?Yes. Excluded from pilgrims . They are not encouraged to fast on that day as to emulate the Prophet and also to keep increasing the strength of prayer on that day.Prophet 's wife Maimunah s.a.w. tell ; public doubt whether the Prophet saw fast or not on the day of ' Arafah . Then he (ie Maimunah ) sent to him a container of milk when he was wukuf the plain of 'Arafat 's . Then he drank the milk to be seen by the public to him ( Narrated by Imam Muslim ) .In fact there is a prohibition of the Prophet s.a.w. as narrated by Abu Huraira : " Allah's Messenger forbade fasting on the day of 'Arafat for Haj pilgrims in ' Arafah " ( Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud , Ahmad , Ibn Majah and al -Hakim ) .

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Islamization Umar.

Sayyidina Umar Al Khattab embraced Islam three days after the Islamization Hamzah. It happened after the first migration of Muslims to Ethiopia in the fifth year of prophethood of the Prophet. Before embracing Islam, he oppress and bully many Muslims, as commonly done by other Quraish chiefs.
Umar converted to Islam following the Prophet prayer: 'O Allah! Islamic rubbery with one of the most Thy love between Abu Jahl or Umar. "

Listening to his brother.

At the height of his anger, Umar preparing to kill the Prophet. In his travels, he met with bin Abdullah Al Nahham Nu'aym who told news recruited his own brother, Fatima bint Sa'ad Al Khattab and her son Zayd.

Umar went to the house of his brother in anger was kindled. When I arrived outside the house, he heard his sister reciting Taha. He stormed into the house and causing a slight disagreement and Umar hit his brother-in-law. He regretted afterwards and see Qur'an sheet read by his brother, eventually Umar embraced Islam.

Al Ustaz,Issue 18

Friday, 27 September 2013

Read Surah Yasin or Al Kahf?

Read Surah Yasin or Kahf on Friday night was very good.

But of Surah al Kahf, there is some hadiths that show the advantages of reading, such as "Who is reciting alkahfi on Friday night, her light emitted between himself far Baitul'atiq (Reported alNasai)

The Prophet said Yasin is the heart of Quran, we are encouraged to read Surah Yasin and intend to get anything that we requested.

Al Ustaz,Issue 18

Fikh- Urine effects on mattresses on our clothes.

I sleep on the bed that was dry. Are stool will about my clothes?

If his body or clothes wet, then the stool will be moved from the stool to his body or clothing. Similarly, if the feces hit the mattress wet, then it can stain his body.
This is in accordance with popular method that is often referred to by scholars:
"Dry met dried will not defile without dissent scholars".

Al Ustaz,Issue 18

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sleep Manners in Islam

" Fatimah ( ra ) common to use the mill to grind corn, cause there is corn on his hands . Transport him to his home on the water in a leather bag that has led to some of the scars on his chest. She washes her a themselves cause dirty clothes . Once an event in which a number of prisoners of war brought to Medina .Me said:"Go thee to the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) and ask him to get an assistant that can help you work at home. "He then went to get him, but he found many people around him . Because he was very polite, he does not dare to ask of the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) in front of a crowd.The next day the Prophet ( s.a.w )has come to our house and said:" Fatima , what causesthee come to me before? "He felt ashamed and silenced him.Me said:" O Prophet ( s.a.w ) !Fatimah was covered with corn ; which slammed on his hands and on his chest as he grind and lift the water alone . He is also busy washing the house and others in the domestic affairs cause clothes get dirty . Also tell me about the captives , and advised him to go to see you and apply for a maid . "Then the Prophet ( s.a.w ) said :" Fear God , O Fatimah .
Fear God and continue to do your dutyto God and the work ofabout your home business .While thee to sleep , magnify" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMESand' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .

With this will find thee ,it is more useful than an assistant and help you do the job.Fatimah ( r.a ) states :" Me being satisfied with Allah and His Messenger ( peace be upon him ) . "Look at the life of a beloved daughter of the Prophet . Situation modest families in time of our life in which women think is below dignity to do the work of housework. They need help in any and all business , even in the bathroom !How much is the difference?According to this hadith ,remembrance determined to be  

practiced before sleep .In other hadithsThe Prophet ( s.a.w ) has communicatedas advised Fatimah ( r.a )read after each prayernamely" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMES
' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Converts, extinguished past sins.

All the sins of a convert to Islam will be extinguished until nothing of the remainder. Their sins erased by speaking two sentences creed. The same, the reward of Muslim apostates are erased.
Allah says in Surah Al Anfal verse 37 which says: "Say O Muhammad to the people disbelieved, if they cease from contention, he will be forgiven past sins."

Al Ustaz,Issue 6.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Menstruating women can wear ihram?

Generally ihram is included in the Haj or Umrah. In Shafi'ites there is little detail of: even without Talbiah.

In short, menstruating women can wear ihram for Hajj or Umrah.

This is based on Aisha The Prophet says: 'Do as was done by the person performing the pilgrimage, but do not do tawaf of the Baitullah until after you are in a state of purity. "Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Menstruating women can not cut nails?

Are women who are menstruating or in a state of major impurity can not cut nails?
Cut nails, hair or feathers when ill or junub is not illegal. In addition, anyone who does so either men or women do not need to keep parts of the cut to be bathed together while bathing junub.

Al Ustaz,issue 6.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Guardian and witness the wicked.

Can the wicked guardian marry his daughter?

Someone wicked guardian for leaving prayer can not marry his daughter. Thus the representation of saints moved farther absolutely the caddy.

However, Al Nawawi and Ibn Al Ghazali Solah choose the opinion that if the representation has to be moved to the saints judge when the judge is also a wicked person, the right of permanent representation on the original guardian.
Not valid marriage with witnessing the wicked as to leave prayers or other evil reasons. If evil was rampant, then it is not required at the time of outward and inward witness. Shall be sufficient to mastur people. Mastur are people who on paper looks good in his being kept awake though no confirm before caddy.

Al Ustaz,Issue 8

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Using a set of gold plates.

Haraam use gold or silver vessel for any purpose except in an emergency situation.
The Prophet said: 'Do not wear silk and drink in vessels of gold and silver. And do not you eat with a plate made ​​of both. Is alluded to ban use gold or silver vessels for eating and drinking to any other intended use even for decorative items. This ban includes both men and women. Gold jewelery is allowed for women only, while silver can be used as men's jewelry.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

The longest chapter!

Sural Al-Baqarah is the longest surah in the Qur'an. It contains 286 verses of sura own sentences at most. Was revealed in Medina. The specialty of this chapter is to negate themselves. As stated in the hadith narrated by Muslim, which means: Whoever recites Surah Al Baqarah in the house at night, the devil can not enter his home for three nights. In the narration of Ibn Hibban Tabrani and also mention: Anyone who read surah Al Baqarah at his home in the afternoon, then the devil will not be able to enter the house for three days.

Qada' zakat.

What is the ruling on those who willfully fails to pay zakat for years? What to do if he had repented?

Sin for anyone who deliberately delay paying zakat. Zakat must be paid when they fall due and can not be postponed. He must immediately turn to Allah and fulfill zakat which was passed during this period without the least diminished in value.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

Wretch after Ramadan.

Prophet said in a hadith: 'Damn so to people who mentioned my name but do not bless to me. Damn so people could together and passing the Ramadhan month, but he did not get forgiveness. Damn so the opportunity to give back to both her ​​parents, but do not go to heaven. "Narrated by Ahmad

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Blood donations to non-Muslims.

Can Muslim blood used for patients non-Muslims?

  Scholars say the ruling should be. No need to separate the blood of Muslims from non-Muslims. Appreciation in the form of payments to blood donors is not recommended.

Al Ustaz,issue 4

Monday, 26 August 2013

Ways Dropping the Quran, which was obsolete.

The old Quran must be disposed of in a proper manner. Quran, which was obsolete, should be drowned in the ocean so that there is an insult to the sanctity of the Qur'an. This is the safest way to preserve the sanctity of the Qur'an.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 6

Wisdom of Hajj.

Hajj have great advantages and great privilege include:

Oneness of Allah and sincere worship to Allah alone without allies in words, actions and beliefs.

Improve memory of Allah and to feel it with the rest of the soul, heart and mind.

Helping a Muslim to remain committed to serve in worship.

Al Ustaz, Issue 6

Married in Pregnancy

A man and a woman has committed adultery. Then they repented and want to get married when the time the woman was pregnant. Is the marriage valid?

Their marriage was valid, but they are still sinners for committing adultery. A person who commits adultery shall be punished with 100 lashes if still unmarried when committing adultery. If they are married they should be stoned.
Her unborn baby was the result of his adultery.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 6.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The body of a suicide

How do I properly manage the dead Muslims who commit suicide?

Funeral discouraged people committed suicide en masses. The body was still compulsory bathed, prayer and burial. Still remains buried in Muslim cemeteries. Just do not be buried in a public place, instead of circumcision in the back or edge of the fence.

Al Ustaz,issue 12

Fabric softener use porcine?

Fabric softener when washing clothes as to maintain the softness of the fabric and keep the scent on clothes. It is commonly used by laundry operators and can be purchased in stores for home use.

To ensure the halal status of the fabric perfume, users can check the content of fragrance to ensure it does not contain

1) tallow bovine.
2) porcine.
3) o vine.

In the event of the above content then better to avoid it. This is because most of the animal fat used is from cattle and sheep that are not slaughtered according to Islamic law.

Al Ustaz,Issue 12

Wife should ask for permission to fast.

The duties of a wife is obedient to her husband in a good thing. He can not do anything without the husband's consent except compulsory worship him.

That's why even though she had to fasting, a wife to ask her husband's permission in advance if he is at home. If the wife is not allowed but still fast, so fast in shariah illegal and told her husband the right to break the fast.

Al Ustaz,Issue 12

Friday, 16 August 2013

Islam and Science. Why sea water taste salty and unfit to drink?

The scientists discovered that every one liter of sea water has a salt content of 27 grams. Each year the use of more than 5 million tons of salt all over the world.  

This salt is formed from igneous rock fragmentation due process caused by weather and erosion.
If sea water is not salty, then this world will stink! Sea acts as a preservative because it can close the stench of carrion or garbage in it.
The enormity of his will organize events of this nature.
Allah says, "And the two seas, even though one of its kind, which is a sweet and proper to drink, while the other salt and bitter.

Al Ustaz, Isu16

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Use of inhalers for asthma.

What is the ruling on using the inhaler during fasting?
Civil allowed to use an inhaler when necessary. His fasting valid according to Islamic law and do not invalidate the fast. This is because it includes the case of an emergency and is intended to preserve the larger things of life.

Al Ustaz,Issue 16

Thursday, 8 August 2013

10 easy tips Eid productive.

Six Shawwal fasts.

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, there is a hadith narrated from the Prophet's in explaining the advantages of the six Shawwal fasts which means "one who fasts Ramadan, then follows as fasting six days of Shawwal is akin to a fast throughout the year" (Produced by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, also produced by all many scholars of hadith such as al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn al-Nasaie. Majah).
Imam al-Shafi'i explained that this hadith is authentic hadith. In this hadith the Prophet peace be upon him said that fasting six days of Ramadan will be rewarded reward as if fasting for a year. The scholars explain the secrets behind gratuity to bring the proposition that every human good deeds will be rewarded as much as 10-fold.
Wisdom prescribed fasting 6 days of Shawwal is that as an exercise to the Muslims that the acts of worship that is not located in certain months such as Ramadan even practice should be consistent for all human life.
It also as a challenge to the Muslims not to make fun of Shawwal month alone, and if fasting was done as early as possible in the beginning of Shawwal, it will make a man really want to answer the call of God to continue to worship Allah and prolonged.
Fasting Six gives space back to the digestive system to rest and gradually work for the betterment of humanity itself physically.

-Fast of intent / fast qada 'in roman:
نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى

The meaning: Only because I'm fasting tomorrow instead obligatory Ramadan because Allah Ta'ala

God knows the truth: Have read an article about fasting instead of saying "If you want to do qadha resolve the fast before dawn, then that is the intention.'s Good enough and do not need to do pronouncement of faith."
Source from: # ixzz2bQkK9vFY