Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sleep Manners in Islam

" Fatimah ( ra ) common to use the mill to grind corn, cause there is corn on his hands . Transport him to his home on the water in a leather bag that has led to some of the scars on his chest. She washes her a themselves cause dirty clothes . Once an event in which a number of prisoners of war brought to Medina .Me said:"Go thee to the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) and ask him to get an assistant that can help you work at home. "He then went to get him, but he found many people around him . Because he was very polite, he does not dare to ask of the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) in front of a crowd.The next day the Prophet ( s.a.w )has come to our house and said:" Fatima , what causesthee come to me before? "He felt ashamed and silenced him.Me said:" O Prophet ( s.a.w ) !Fatimah was covered with corn ; which slammed on his hands and on his chest as he grind and lift the water alone . He is also busy washing the house and others in the domestic affairs cause clothes get dirty . Also tell me about the captives , and advised him to go to see you and apply for a maid . "Then the Prophet ( s.a.w ) said :" Fear God , O Fatimah .
Fear God and continue to do your dutyto God and the work ofabout your home business .While thee to sleep , magnify" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMESand' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .

With this will find thee ,it is more useful than an assistant and help you do the job.Fatimah ( r.a ) states :" Me being satisfied with Allah and His Messenger ( peace be upon him ) . "Look at the life of a beloved daughter of the Prophet . Situation modest families in time of our life in which women think is below dignity to do the work of housework. They need help in any and all business , even in the bathroom !How much is the difference?According to this hadith ,remembrance determined to be  

practiced before sleep .In other hadithsThe Prophet ( s.a.w ) has communicatedas advised Fatimah ( r.a )read after each prayernamely" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMES
' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .

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