Saturday, 14 December 2013

Relieve anger with ablution

The Messenger explain the strong in Islamic view is that they are able to control his anger as to avoid worse disasters . He can move it to an angry situation better condition .

It was explained Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet said in a hadith :
"A strong man does not lie in the ability to fight , but the strong man is able to handle themselves when angry . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad )
Islam teaches us how to conduct ourselves in a state of anger to the nature of anger is not felt. Among them if someone who is angry that the situation stands, it is better he sat .

Prophet says , which means:
" If one of you is angry at it in a standing position , then let it sit . But if not disappear, too angry , let him lie down . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad ) .
Moreover, those who are angry can also put his anger with ablutions. Two things ablution advantages , first cleanse themselves from impurities heart both physically and heartwarming to produce peace .

Abu Dawood narrated that means:
" Surely the wrath of Satan and the devil was created of fire and the flames can only be extinguished with water . Therefore, if one of you is angry , he should perform ablution. "
Those who managed to restrain anger, so as not to spread will be rewarded by Allah in heaven soon , where they can select any sprite that they like .

This is explained by the words of the Prophet , which means:
'For he restrain anger, yet he was able to shed it , Allah will call him before the leaders of the creature , and God gave him the freedom to choose which one they like the angels . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah )
In addition to be able to restrain their anger , one must be ready to forgive parties makes them angry . Forgive others is encouraged to maintain a friendship and harmony . In fact , forgiving nature put someone in high places .

- See more at: # sthash.wrQP0TpL.dpuf

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