Thursday, 8 August 2013

Six Shawwal fasts.

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, there is a hadith narrated from the Prophet's in explaining the advantages of the six Shawwal fasts which means "one who fasts Ramadan, then follows as fasting six days of Shawwal is akin to a fast throughout the year" (Produced by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, also produced by all many scholars of hadith such as al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn al-Nasaie. Majah).
Imam al-Shafi'i explained that this hadith is authentic hadith. In this hadith the Prophet peace be upon him said that fasting six days of Ramadan will be rewarded reward as if fasting for a year. The scholars explain the secrets behind gratuity to bring the proposition that every human good deeds will be rewarded as much as 10-fold.
Wisdom prescribed fasting 6 days of Shawwal is that as an exercise to the Muslims that the acts of worship that is not located in certain months such as Ramadan even practice should be consistent for all human life.
It also as a challenge to the Muslims not to make fun of Shawwal month alone, and if fasting was done as early as possible in the beginning of Shawwal, it will make a man really want to answer the call of God to continue to worship Allah and prolonged.
Fasting Six gives space back to the digestive system to rest and gradually work for the betterment of humanity itself physically.

-Fast of intent / fast qada 'in roman:
نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى

The meaning: Only because I'm fasting tomorrow instead obligatory Ramadan because Allah Ta'ala

God knows the truth: Have read an article about fasting instead of saying "If you want to do qadha resolve the fast before dawn, then that is the intention.'s Good enough and do not need to do pronouncement of faith."
Source from: # ixzz2bQkK9vFY

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