Saturday, 3 August 2013

Syawal checklist.


# Make sure Zakat Fitrah is fulfilled.
# Make a simple preparation of Raya.
# Turn on election night with worship.
# Plenty Takbir until the beginning Eid prayers

Eid morning.

# Bath Eid prayers.
# Wearing clean clothes and the best.
# Wearing perfumes.
# Circumcision little touches before discharge dish Eid prayers.
# Eid congregational prayers and listen to sermons.
# Mutual forgiveness.
# Use a different route to go in order to meet with the public.
# Mutual pray, "May Allah accept your Ramadan practices".

Post Eid.

# Istiqamah in charity, and recite the Quran.
# Keep mixing.
# Keep your morals and manners during a pilgrimage.
# Plenty of pilgrimage and meet relatives.
# Sunnah fast of Shawwal 6 days after the day of Eid.

Al Ustaz,Issue 16

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