Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Are all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times?

Yes, all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times but only sweep the head where there is disagreement among scholars;

First, according to Imam Syafi'ie, sweeping head just like other members of the ablution of circumcision is repeated three times. He Umar Usman their judgment on a hadith in which he recounts: "Allah took ablution three-three" (Narrated by Imam Muslim and Ahmad).

Second, according to Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik and Ahmad; sweep circumcised head off, that circumcision does not repeat two or three times. They base their judgment on a hadith from Sayyidina 'Ali, who insisted: "He wiped his head off" (Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasai). Also according to them, the traditions of the nature everything ablution tells that the Prophet wiped off head

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