Saturday, 14 December 2013

Relieve anger with ablution

The Messenger explain the strong in Islamic view is that they are able to control his anger as to avoid worse disasters . He can move it to an angry situation better condition .

It was explained Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet said in a hadith :
"A strong man does not lie in the ability to fight , but the strong man is able to handle themselves when angry . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad )
Islam teaches us how to conduct ourselves in a state of anger to the nature of anger is not felt. Among them if someone who is angry that the situation stands, it is better he sat .

Prophet says , which means:
" If one of you is angry at it in a standing position , then let it sit . But if not disappear, too angry , let him lie down . " ( Narrated by Imam Ahmad ) .
Moreover, those who are angry can also put his anger with ablutions. Two things ablution advantages , first cleanse themselves from impurities heart both physically and heartwarming to produce peace .

Abu Dawood narrated that means:
" Surely the wrath of Satan and the devil was created of fire and the flames can only be extinguished with water . Therefore, if one of you is angry , he should perform ablution. "
Those who managed to restrain anger, so as not to spread will be rewarded by Allah in heaven soon , where they can select any sprite that they like .

This is explained by the words of the Prophet , which means:
'For he restrain anger, yet he was able to shed it , Allah will call him before the leaders of the creature , and God gave him the freedom to choose which one they like the angels . " ( Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah )
In addition to be able to restrain their anger , one must be ready to forgive parties makes them angry . Forgive others is encouraged to maintain a friendship and harmony . In fact , forgiving nature put someone in high places .

- See more at: # sthash.wrQP0TpL.dpuf

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

From an- Nawwas bin Sam'an , he said: The Prophet ﷺ description mentions the Dajjal in a morning. He ﷺ explained Dajjal , lowered his voice sometimes and sometimes his voice hardened until we calculate as if the Antichrist was already in the middle of palm trees. But when we come to the place , he said, seemed to have been aware of what was fought out in our feelings , and said: "There is the question of what to you ? "We said: " O Messenger of Allah , you breathe the Dajjal in a morning , and lower thy voice harden so we thought that it was already in the middle of palm trees. "He said: "It is not the Dajjal that I fear most happen to you . If it comes out and I'm still in the middle of you , then, I will break his submission to protect you . And if it comes out and I'm not in the midst of you , then every person to protect himself and his God is successor in protecting every Muslim .Indeed, the Dajjal is a young man who is very kinky hair , protruding eyes , as if I match it with Abdul ' Uzza al - Qathan . Only he who can see him , let him recite verses from the beginning Surat al- Kahf . Antichrist will come out in a street which lies between Syria and Iraq , and make mischief in the right and left. But then, O man of God , faith ordain you.We the companions asked: " O Messenger of Allah , how long they lived on earth ? "He said: " Forty days , the first day same as a year old , the second day like a month old , the third day like a week , while the next day is the same day you today. "We asked: " O Messenger of Allah , the one day a year in length , are we quite like the saying of prayers one day only (ie, the five daily prayers 5 times a day ) .He replied: "No , it perkirakanlah according to their distance rates . So still five times in one day arrangement as now . "We asked: " O Messenger of Allah , how fast that explore the earth ? "He said: " Like a wind blown rain . Dajjal comes to a people , and he invites them , then they already believe and adhere to what he wanted . He commanded the sky to rain , and the rain came down . He commanded the earth to grow crops , and grew crops. Furthermore, cattle - breeding them back tergembala there in long humped shape or size and the longest ever stomach.Next, came the Dajjal to the people , and they are invited to follow his will , but they refuse , then the Antichrist leave them . People who reject this ( because of their faith tegarnya ) the next day was to be dry and empty provinces of grass and other plants , they also do not have the slightest property . Antichrist and walked through the debris and then he said: "Bring out simpananmu properties , all of a sudden there property can be taken and follow the course of the Antichrist as the bees follow the king .After that , the Antichrist call a young man who was a teenager , and he hit the youth with a sword , so terpotonglah his body into two parts with speed like arrows throw miss. But , Antichrist summon the deceased young man , and he came back to life before him , his face was radiant with a laugh .In that situation , all of a sudden God Almighty sent Jesus the son of Mary . It fell on a white tower , located in the south of Damascus , which had two strands of colored clothing , placing the palms of his hands on the wings of two angels. If he bowed his head , mencucurlah water from his head , is when it mendongakkannya , then terurailah bushy hair like pearl details . Then no one else will be able to kiss heathen breath aroma , it will die melaainkan his breath smelt distance the eye can see .Furthermore, al - Still looking for the Antichrist until he found him at the gate of Ludd , and then he killed her. Furthermore, Jesus peace be upon those who have come to God's protection from evil Antichrist , then it meengusap their faces and told that they will have a high degree of heaven.

In such circumstances it is , God revealed to Jesus peace be upon them that Allah has issued my servants that none of the power to resist and fight them. Then gather my servants (the believers) to the hill Thur .Then God sent Gog Magog race . They quickly flowing down from high places . Then take the first line of their mission Thabariyah Lake and drank water , went further last line of their entourage and said : " This lake was once there is water. " Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions surrounded from all sides to not get out , reach- reaches the value of one head of cattle for one of them is more valuable than gold for a hundred dinars among you today. Jesus peace be upon him and his companions Nabiyullah anhum radhiayallahu all pray humbly to God Almighty 's request for immediate difficulty is removed .Allah Ta'ala sent worm to race Gog and Magog in their throats , then die simultaneously in a time equal to not change it once a soul . Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions radi anhum went down into the earth ( from the slope of the mountain ) . They did not find a neck of land , but to have been met by the stench of dead carcasses of Gog and Magog last race . Further Nabiyullah Jesus peace be upon him and his companions radi anhum pray more to Allah Ta'ala while applying for their bodies removed. Allah Ta'ala big bird down the necks of camels and birds that would carry their carcasses flying threw him in a place that is required by God .Furthermore, God Almighty flat sweep to rain all clay houses or even tents from the wool , until the earth is clean smooth like glass . On earth was said : " grew fruit and pour keberkahanmu buahanmu . " But at that moment a group of people makandari enough pomegranate seeds only ( because it is very large ) . They were able to take shelter under the skin shell ( petals ) diberkahilah pomegranate mixture and milk , until very pregnant camel milk , get enough of the great mass of human , a pregnant cow milk can suffice a tribe , a goat is pregnant get sufficient milk a village .Further, at the time they are in such a situation, all of a sudden God Almighty send a cold wind comfortable , and the wind was taking the lives of the believers under the armpits. So why the disconnect winds soul of every believer and every Muslim . Then the left is the worst of all human beings, they have sex with women just as much as a bunch of donkeys. The outcome was the Day of Resurrection on them. " . "[ Transmitted by Muslim ( 2937 ) ] handling SHM

Are all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times?

Yes, all members of the ablution washing circumcision repeated two or three times but only sweep the head where there is disagreement among scholars;

First, according to Imam Syafi'ie, sweeping head just like other members of the ablution of circumcision is repeated three times. He Umar Usman their judgment on a hadith in which he recounts: "Allah took ablution three-three" (Narrated by Imam Muslim and Ahmad).

Second, according to Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik and Ahmad; sweep circumcised head off, that circumcision does not repeat two or three times. They base their judgment on a hadith from Sayyidina 'Ali, who insisted: "He wiped his head off" (Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasai). Also according to them, the traditions of the nature everything ablution tells that the Prophet wiped off head