Sayyidina Umar Al Khattab embraced Islam three days after the Islamization Hamzah. It happened after the first migration of Muslims to Ethiopia in the fifth year of prophethood of the Prophet. Before embracing Islam, he oppress and bully many Muslims, as commonly done by other Quraish chiefs.
Umar converted to Islam following the Prophet prayer: 'O Allah! Islamic rubbery with one of the most Thy love between Abu Jahl or Umar. "
Listening to his brother.
At the height of his anger, Umar preparing to kill the Prophet. In his travels, he met with bin Abdullah Al Nahham Nu'aym who told news recruited his own brother, Fatima bint Sa'ad Al Khattab and her son Zayd.
Umar went to the house of his brother in anger was kindled. When I arrived outside the house, he heard his sister reciting Taha. He stormed into the house and causing a slight disagreement and Umar hit his brother-in-law. He regretted afterwards and see Qur'an sheet read by his brother, eventually Umar embraced Islam.
Al Ustaz,Issue 18
Read Surah Yasin or Kahf on Friday night was very good.
But of Surah al Kahf, there is some hadiths that show the advantages of reading, such as "Who is reciting alkahfi on Friday night, her light emitted between himself far Baitul'atiq (Reported alNasai)
The Prophet said Yasin is the heart of Quran, we are encouraged to read Surah Yasin and intend to get anything that we requested.
Al Ustaz,Issue 18
I sleep on the bed that was dry. Are stool will about my clothes?
If his body or clothes wet, then the stool will be moved from the stool to his body or clothing. Similarly, if the feces hit the mattress wet, then it can stain his body.
This is in accordance with popular method that is often referred to by scholars:
"Dry met dried will not defile without dissent scholars".
Al Ustaz,Issue 18
Fatimah ( ra ) common to use the mill to grind corn, cause there is
corn on his hands . Transport him to his home on the water in a leather
bag that has led to some of the scars on his chest. She washes her a themselves cause dirty clothes . Once an event in which a number of prisoners of war brought to Medina .Me said:"Go thee to the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) and ask him to get an assistant that can help you work at home. "He then went to get him, but he found many people around him . Because he was very polite, he does not dare to ask of the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) in front of a crowd.The next day the Prophet ( s.a.w )has come to our house and said:" Fatima , what causesthee come to me before? "He felt ashamed and silenced him.Me said:" O Prophet ( s.a.w ) !Fatimah was covered with corn ; which slammed on his hands and on his chest as he grind and lift the water alone . He is also busy washing the house and others in the domestic affairs cause clothes get dirty . Also tell me about the captives , and advised him to go to see you and apply for a maid . "Then the Prophet ( s.a.w ) said :" Fear God , O Fatimah .
Fear God and continue to do your dutyto God and the work ofabout your home business .While thee to sleep , magnify" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMESand' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .
With this will find thee ,it is more useful than an assistant and help you do the job.Fatimah ( r.a ) states :" Me being satisfied with Allah and His Messenger ( peace be upon him ) . "Look at the life of a beloved daughter of the Prophet . Situation modest families in time of our life in which women think is below dignity to do the work of housework. They need help in any and all business , even in the bathroom !How much is the difference?According to this hadith ,remembrance determined to be
practiced before sleep .In other hadithsThe Prophet ( s.a.w ) has communicatedas advised Fatimah ( r.a )read after each prayernamely" Subhanallah ' 33 TIMES ," Alhamdulilah " 33 TIMES
' Allahu Akbar ' 34 TIMES ' .
All the sins of a convert to Islam will be extinguished until nothing of the remainder. Their sins erased by speaking two sentences creed. The same, the reward of Muslim apostates are erased.
Allah says in Surah Al Anfal verse 37 which says: "Say O Muhammad to the people disbelieved, if they cease from contention, he will be forgiven past sins."
Al Ustaz,Issue 6.
Generally ihram is included in the Haj or Umrah. In Shafi'ites there is little detail of: even without Talbiah.
In short, menstruating women can wear ihram for Hajj or Umrah.
This is based on Aisha The Prophet says: 'Do as was done by the person performing the pilgrimage, but do not do tawaf of the Baitullah until after you are in a state of purity. "Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Are women who are menstruating or in a state of major impurity can not cut nails?
Cut nails, hair or feathers when ill or junub is not illegal. In addition, anyone who does so either men or women do not need to keep parts of the cut to be bathed together while bathing junub.
Al Ustaz,issue 6.
Can the wicked guardian marry his daughter?
Someone wicked guardian for leaving prayer can not marry his daughter. Thus the representation of saints moved farther absolutely the caddy.
However, Al Nawawi and Ibn Al Ghazali Solah choose the opinion that if the representation has to be moved to the saints judge when the judge is also a wicked person, the right of permanent representation on the original guardian.
Not valid marriage with witnessing the wicked as to leave prayers or other evil reasons. If evil was rampant, then it is not required at the time of outward and inward witness. Shall be sufficient to mastur people. Mastur are people who on paper looks good in his being kept awake though no confirm before caddy.
Al Ustaz,Issue 8