Sunday, 23 March 2014

What is Istidraj?

Meaning istidraj
It is a gift of God to man favors which the grant was not pleased. This is called istidraj.

The messenger said: "When you see that Allah gives blessings to His servants who always makes sin (disobedience), know that he has istidraj by God." (Reported by At-Tabarani, Ahmad and Al-Bayha

Friday, 21 March 2014

Be among the 'little'

One day, Umar ibn al-Khattab for a walk, he heard a
men pray. His prayer:'' O Allah, make me from among the few.''

Umar puzzled and he asked him:'' What prayer is this?''

He said,''  I have heard the words of Allah which means
:'' Few among My servants are grateful.''
So I pray that God will sort out the little I was,''

Listen to the explanation man, Umar said:'' There are still more people who are more aware of
of his own.''