That prayer is done by meeting all the pillars and circumcision-berit in a quiet, humble and full concentration. the characteristics of the perfect prayer is;
1. People who do believe that prayer does is as prayer Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam-.
2. Every movement in it is done with toma'ninah (calm, orderly, polite and do not hurry).
3. Tongue mention the good and eloquent readings in prayer especially the verses of the Quran.
4. Readings in prayer understood its meaning whether it be reading the verses of the Qur'an, remembrance or prayer for understanding led to the appreciation of the meaning of what is read.
5. Heart in a humble and focused on prayer that no default or neglect.
Are encouraged to pray before the salaam ?
Yes. Sunnah prayer - which - with the following prayer ;
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم , ومن عذاب القبر , ومن فتنة المحيا والممات , ومن شر فتنة المسيح الدجال" O Allah ! I
seek refuge with You from the punishment of hell fire , from the
torment of the grave , from the trial / test when life and death and
from the evil of Dajjal defamation " .
In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah , the Prophet said
: " When someone you finish the reading tasyahhud (ie tahiyyat ) end ,
then seek refuge with Allah from four : from the punishment of Hell ,
from the torment of the grave , from the trial of life and death and
from the evil of the Antichrist " . (Reported by Imam Muslim )
In addition to the above prayer , prayer other Prophet ever read are;
اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت , وما أسررت وما أعلنت , وما أسرفت , وما أنت
أعلم به مني , أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر , لا إله إلا أنت ." Oh God . Grant
me forgiveness for whatever ( sins ) which I did earlier and the later,
which I will hide and that I seem at least as well as whatever act or
extreme vanity which I do thou any more to know about it from my own . You are mighty before God and the almighty end . There is no God but Thee alone " .( Narrated by Imam Muslim from Sayyidina ' Ali r.a. )
EXCELLENT FAST ( DAY ' ARAFAT )When the day of ' Arafah ? What arguments for the advantages of fasting the day of ' Arafah ?Day of 'Arafat is the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah . It was the best day of the year because the Prophet said
: " There is no day that God frees his slaves most of the day from hell
from the day of ' Arafah " (Reported by Imam Muslim ) .As for the sunnah fasting on the day, his decree was; hadith of Abu Qatada reported which tells the Prophet of Allah s.a.w. asked about fasting the day of ' Arafah . He said : " ( fasting day ) can purify years ago and which is to come" (Reported by Imam Muslim ) .Are voluntary fasting on the day of ' Arafah is no exception?Yes. Excluded from pilgrims . They are not encouraged to fast on that day as to emulate the Prophet and also to keep increasing the strength of prayer on that day.Prophet 's wife Maimunah s.a.w. tell ; public doubt whether the Prophet saw fast or not on the day of ' Arafah . Then he (ie Maimunah ) sent to him a container of milk when he was wukuf the plain of 'Arafat 's . Then he drank the milk to be seen by the public to him ( Narrated by Imam Muslim ) .In fact there is a prohibition of the Prophet s.a.w. as narrated by Abu Huraira : " Allah's Messenger forbade
fasting on the day of 'Arafat for Haj pilgrims in ' Arafah " ( Narrated
by Imam Abu Dawud , Ahmad , Ibn Majah and al -Hakim ) .