Thursday, 29 August 2013

Using a set of gold plates.

Haraam use gold or silver vessel for any purpose except in an emergency situation.
The Prophet said: 'Do not wear silk and drink in vessels of gold and silver. And do not you eat with a plate made ​​of both. Is alluded to ban use gold or silver vessels for eating and drinking to any other intended use even for decorative items. This ban includes both men and women. Gold jewelery is allowed for women only, while silver can be used as men's jewelry.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

The longest chapter!

Sural Al-Baqarah is the longest surah in the Qur'an. It contains 286 verses of sura own sentences at most. Was revealed in Medina. The specialty of this chapter is to negate themselves. As stated in the hadith narrated by Muslim, which means: Whoever recites Surah Al Baqarah in the house at night, the devil can not enter his home for three nights. In the narration of Ibn Hibban Tabrani and also mention: Anyone who read surah Al Baqarah at his home in the afternoon, then the devil will not be able to enter the house for three days.

Qada' zakat.

What is the ruling on those who willfully fails to pay zakat for years? What to do if he had repented?

Sin for anyone who deliberately delay paying zakat. Zakat must be paid when they fall due and can not be postponed. He must immediately turn to Allah and fulfill zakat which was passed during this period without the least diminished in value.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

Wretch after Ramadan.

Prophet said in a hadith: 'Damn so to people who mentioned my name but do not bless to me. Damn so people could together and passing the Ramadhan month, but he did not get forgiveness. Damn so the opportunity to give back to both her ​​parents, but do not go to heaven. "Narrated by Ahmad

Al Ustaz ,Issue 4

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Blood donations to non-Muslims.

Can Muslim blood used for patients non-Muslims?

  Scholars say the ruling should be. No need to separate the blood of Muslims from non-Muslims. Appreciation in the form of payments to blood donors is not recommended.

Al Ustaz,issue 4

Monday, 26 August 2013

Ways Dropping the Quran, which was obsolete.

The old Quran must be disposed of in a proper manner. Quran, which was obsolete, should be drowned in the ocean so that there is an insult to the sanctity of the Qur'an. This is the safest way to preserve the sanctity of the Qur'an.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 6

Wisdom of Hajj.

Hajj have great advantages and great privilege include:

Oneness of Allah and sincere worship to Allah alone without allies in words, actions and beliefs.

Improve memory of Allah and to feel it with the rest of the soul, heart and mind.

Helping a Muslim to remain committed to serve in worship.

Al Ustaz, Issue 6

Married in Pregnancy

A man and a woman has committed adultery. Then they repented and want to get married when the time the woman was pregnant. Is the marriage valid?

Their marriage was valid, but they are still sinners for committing adultery. A person who commits adultery shall be punished with 100 lashes if still unmarried when committing adultery. If they are married they should be stoned.
Her unborn baby was the result of his adultery.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 6.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The body of a suicide

How do I properly manage the dead Muslims who commit suicide?

Funeral discouraged people committed suicide en masses. The body was still compulsory bathed, prayer and burial. Still remains buried in Muslim cemeteries. Just do not be buried in a public place, instead of circumcision in the back or edge of the fence.

Al Ustaz,issue 12

Fabric softener use porcine?

Fabric softener when washing clothes as to maintain the softness of the fabric and keep the scent on clothes. It is commonly used by laundry operators and can be purchased in stores for home use.

To ensure the halal status of the fabric perfume, users can check the content of fragrance to ensure it does not contain

1) tallow bovine.
2) porcine.
3) o vine.

In the event of the above content then better to avoid it. This is because most of the animal fat used is from cattle and sheep that are not slaughtered according to Islamic law.

Al Ustaz,Issue 12

Wife should ask for permission to fast.

The duties of a wife is obedient to her husband in a good thing. He can not do anything without the husband's consent except compulsory worship him.

That's why even though she had to fasting, a wife to ask her husband's permission in advance if he is at home. If the wife is not allowed but still fast, so fast in shariah illegal and told her husband the right to break the fast.

Al Ustaz,Issue 12

Friday, 16 August 2013

Islam and Science. Why sea water taste salty and unfit to drink?

The scientists discovered that every one liter of sea water has a salt content of 27 grams. Each year the use of more than 5 million tons of salt all over the world.  

This salt is formed from igneous rock fragmentation due process caused by weather and erosion.
If sea water is not salty, then this world will stink! Sea acts as a preservative because it can close the stench of carrion or garbage in it.
The enormity of his will organize events of this nature.
Allah says, "And the two seas, even though one of its kind, which is a sweet and proper to drink, while the other salt and bitter.

Al Ustaz, Isu16

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Use of inhalers for asthma.

What is the ruling on using the inhaler during fasting?
Civil allowed to use an inhaler when necessary. His fasting valid according to Islamic law and do not invalidate the fast. This is because it includes the case of an emergency and is intended to preserve the larger things of life.

Al Ustaz,Issue 16

Thursday, 8 August 2013

10 easy tips Eid productive.

Six Shawwal fasts.

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, there is a hadith narrated from the Prophet's in explaining the advantages of the six Shawwal fasts which means "one who fasts Ramadan, then follows as fasting six days of Shawwal is akin to a fast throughout the year" (Produced by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, also produced by all many scholars of hadith such as al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn al-Nasaie. Majah).
Imam al-Shafi'i explained that this hadith is authentic hadith. In this hadith the Prophet peace be upon him said that fasting six days of Ramadan will be rewarded reward as if fasting for a year. The scholars explain the secrets behind gratuity to bring the proposition that every human good deeds will be rewarded as much as 10-fold.
Wisdom prescribed fasting 6 days of Shawwal is that as an exercise to the Muslims that the acts of worship that is not located in certain months such as Ramadan even practice should be consistent for all human life.
It also as a challenge to the Muslims not to make fun of Shawwal month alone, and if fasting was done as early as possible in the beginning of Shawwal, it will make a man really want to answer the call of God to continue to worship Allah and prolonged.
Fasting Six gives space back to the digestive system to rest and gradually work for the betterment of humanity itself physically.

-Fast of intent / fast qada 'in roman:
نويت صوم غد عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى

The meaning: Only because I'm fasting tomorrow instead obligatory Ramadan because Allah Ta'ala

God knows the truth: Have read an article about fasting instead of saying "If you want to do qadha resolve the fast before dawn, then that is the intention.'s Good enough and do not need to do pronouncement of faith."
Source from: # ixzz2bQkK9vFY

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Guide and way Fitr prayers.

Prayers the upcoming guide and how the upcoming prayers.Eid Prayer contains thee seven times in the first rak'ah and five times in the interpretation of the second rakat, which read rosary between the Takbir-Allahu AkbarAnd upon completion of interpretation and rosary, then continued prayers as usual

Pronouncement Takbir.الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر, لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر ألله أكبر ولله الحمد. الله أكبر كبيرا والحمد لله كثيرا وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا, لا إله إلا الله ولا نعبد إلا إياه مخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون. لا إله إلا الله وحده, صدق وعده, ونصر عبده, وأعز جنده, وهزم الأحزاب وحده لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمدALONE DAY PRAYER INTENTIONSأصلي سنة لعيد الفطر ركعتين مأموما لله تعالىMeansI only prayers for Eid ul-Fitr and offered the congregation as Allah Ta'ala.First rak'ah

Takbir 7 times (each time followed by a recitation of Subhanallah interpretation, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar) and Iftitah prayer. Then Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-unbelieversSecond rak'ahTakbir 5 times (each time followed by a recitation of Subhanallah interpretation, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar) and Al-Fatiha and Al-IkhlasIn contrast to the Friday prayer, Eid prayers sermon was after the prayer. Upon completion of the sermon, Muslims are encouraged to shaking hands and visiting relatives, neighbors and friends

happy Eid from admin!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Syawal checklist.


# Make sure Zakat Fitrah is fulfilled.
# Make a simple preparation of Raya.
# Turn on election night with worship.
# Plenty Takbir until the beginning Eid prayers

Eid morning.

# Bath Eid prayers.
# Wearing clean clothes and the best.
# Wearing perfumes.
# Circumcision little touches before discharge dish Eid prayers.
# Eid congregational prayers and listen to sermons.
# Mutual forgiveness.
# Use a different route to go in order to meet with the public.
# Mutual pray, "May Allah accept your Ramadan practices".

Post Eid.

# Istiqamah in charity, and recite the Quran.
# Keep mixing.
# Keep your morals and manners during a pilgrimage.
# Plenty of pilgrimage and meet relatives.
# Sunnah fast of Shawwal 6 days after the day of Eid.

Al Ustaz,Issue 16

Friday, 2 August 2013

The power of prayer.

Features of prayer will be granted.

1. People who are in trouble.
2. Devout children obey their parents.
3. Prayer parents on their children.
4. Prayer fasting person until break.
5. Fair leader.
6. The oppressed.
7. Muslims pray without known relatives.

Al Ustaz ,Issue 16

Are we able to pray for non-Muslims?

Prayer is the weapon of the believers. By applying a variety of things we pray to Allah. 
Pray to Allah for the non-Muslim who is alive is a Must.

Al Ustaz, Issue 16